Make Your Impact
Want to support Aii? Give to one of our two nonprofits*

Mail us a check! Make your check payable to the “Public Institute for Facility Safety.” If you want to designate a purpose, like our Virtual Classroom to help educate the next generation of innovators, list your intent in the Memo. Be sure to mail the check to our address at: 3033 Wilson Blvd • Suite 700 • Arlington, VA 22201.
Aii is an alliance of two nonprofits, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit is the Public Institute for Facility Safety (PIFS). Your donations, gifts, and contributions are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law. When you give to PIFS, you are giving to Aii.
Donating online is quick, easy, and secure. Using our donor portal through DonorBox, you can direct your contribution to our 501(c)(3) organization the Public Institute for Facility Safety (PIFS). This is one of the two groups that make up Aii. Simple online donations are the most impactful because they reduce overhead or administrative costs associated with other forms of support. Consider supporting us today, or scroll down for other ways you can give and promote Aii with your generosity.
Facebook Fundraisers
Donate with friends and family while engaging on Facebook. Aii is an alliance of two nonprofits, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit is the Public Institute for Facility Safety (PIFS). Your donations, gifts, and contributions are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law. When you give to PIFS, you are giving to Aii.
Find an existing Facebook fundraiser for PIFS or host your own! Have a birthday coming up and want to raise money to promote innovative solutions, public safety, and rebuild America’s infrastructure?
Open Facebook and look for the “Fundraisers” option on your Newsfeed, under Explore, or by visiting our page! Choose “Raise Money” and hit “Nonprofit.” From there, type in and select “Public Institute for Facility Safety.” Set a goal and share with your friends! Every little bit helps!
Gift in Honor and Memory of a Friend or Loved One
Honor and remember a loved one with a tribute gift that makes a lasting impact on our nation’s infrastructure. When you make a tribute gift to Aii through the Public Institute for Facility Safety or the National Infrastructure Safety Foundation, you honor and remember a loved one by allowing their name to serve as a foundation stone in our work to promote innovation, rebuild America’s infrastructure, and all Americans have access to transit, goods, and services.
Use our donor form and select the “Write us a comment” box. Then tell us about your loved one and how we can best honor their memory as we put your generous gift to its best use possible. You may also consider a Legacy gift, find out more here.
GoFundMe Charities
Find us in the GoFundMe Charity network! You’ll have a chance to support us like you would any other worthy cause.
Aii is an alliance of two nonprofits, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit is the Public Institute for Facility Safety (PIFS). Your donations, gifts, and contributions are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law. When you give to PIFS, you are giving to Aii.
Leave a Legacy
Your legacy is important. You can do good even after you are gone. At Aii, we believe individual citizens have a voice and an impact on our infrastructure, public policy, and technology. To support Aii and our mission to promote innovative solutions, pro-growth policies, and rebuild America’s infrastructure for a new generation, contact us today.
We can share resources, draft language, and information for estate planning, trusts, life insurance policies, and more. Before taking this step, consult an attorney and financial professional. Once you’ve come to an informed and final decision, let us know. Not only can your generosity live on in Aii, but we do everything in our power to preserve and promote the image and legacy of our donors. You may also consider joining our Builder’s Club.
Donate securely through our verified PayPal account. Aii is an alliance of two nonprofits, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit is the Public Institute for Facility Safety (PIFS). Your donations, gifts, and contributions are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law. When you give to PIFS, you are giving to Aii.
Uncommon Giving
Find us on the Uncommon Giving platform! You’ll have a chance to support us like you would any other worthy cause.
Aii is an alliance of two nonprofits, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit is the Public Institute for Facility Safety (PIFS). Your donations, gifts, and contributions are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law. When you give to PIFS, you are giving to Aii.
Venmo is a fast, reliable way to donate to our 501(c)(3) organization the Public Institute for Facility Safety (PIFS). This is one of the two groups that make up Aii.
Aii is an alliance of two nonprofits, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit is the Public Institute for Facility Safety (PIFS). Your donations, gifts, and contributions are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law. When you give to PIFS, you are giving to Aii.

*The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure (Aii), “The Alliance”, or simply “Aii” are not registered entities. The Alliance is the brand name for our whole group, with two nonprofit entities. In order to donate, you need to send your contribution to the Public Institute for Facility Safety, a 501(c)(3), or the National Infrastructure Safety Foundation a 501(c)(4).

The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure (Aii)
Get to know Aii and see how your donations make an impact. The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure is a virtual nonprofit made up of two organizations: The National Infrastructure Safety Foundation (NISF) and the Public Institute for Facility Safety (PIFS). The Alliance exists to identify public policy challenges and produces educational policy outreach materials to encourage public debate and conversation on issues affecting infrastructure safety. Aii seeks to improve safety and efficiency by promoting proven innovative technology and higher safety standards to achieve excellence nationwide.
NISF is a non-partisan entity organized as a 501(c)(4) non-profit. Our mission is to develop and promote rational public policies and best practices aimed at achieving innovative safety and efficiency solutions for national infrastructure systems and projects.
The Foundation, one of two members that form the Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure, encourages public, community engagement, and education. Our issue advocacy is non-partisan and independent of industry.
Consistent with our obligations to provide transparency, the Foundation makes our recently filed annual information returns, as well as the organization’s application for tax-exemption, available to the public upon request. Please direct any inquiries to or you may call us for more information.
PIFS is an educational non-partisan organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our mission is to provide educational materials to elected officials, public policy experts, and the community at large, in order to increase awareness of the many pressing infrastructure challenges our country faces and highlight potential innovative solutions.
The Institute focuses on researching and publishing in-depth white papers and policy briefs on relevant infrastructure-related issues. In addition to this research, the Institute aims to educate both society and industry on best practices in the areas of safety and innovative technologies.
You can make a big difference in our educational mission for children, students, policymakers, industry leaders, and the general public.
Tax ID: Employer Identification Number 47-2375227
Address: 3033 Wilson Blvd • Suite 700 • Arlington, VA 22201.